Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (2024)

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (1)



Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (2)

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]04 Apr 2013, 17:09





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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (14)

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (15)Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (16)Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (17)35%(medium)

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70%(01:31)correctWhich of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (18)30%(01:30) wrongWhich of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (19)based on653sessions


Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?

A. 2/5
B. 11/34
C. 43/99
D. 8/21
E. 9/20

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (20)



Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (21)

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]04 Apr 2013, 18:04





Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?

The fastest way to solve this problem is to use POE and approx by making the denominator same

A) 2/ 5 = 20/50 numerator is less than 22 so out.
B) 11/34 = 550 / 170 numerator is less than 746 so out.
C) 43 / 99 = approx. 43 / 100 numerator is much less than 80 so out.
D. 8/21 = approx. 40 / 100 close to C so out..
E. 9/20 = 45 / 100 numerator is more than twice 22 so Answer is E

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (23)



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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]04 Apr 2013, 21:47





Tagger wrote:

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?

A. 2/5
B. 11/34
C. 43/99
D. 8/21
E. 9/20

It looks very easy but what is the fastest way to solve it ?

11/50 -->0.22. Now, we want to look at a value which is atleast 0.44 or more.

B-->11/34 == 11/33(As we decreased the denominator, the actual value will be a little less) than 0.33
C-->43/99== 44/99(the actual value will be a little less) than 0.44
D-->8/21==8/20(the actual value will be a little less) than 0.4
E-->9/20==8/20(the actual value will be a little more) =0.45


All that is equal and not-Deep Dive In-equality

Hit and Trial for Integral Solutions

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (25)



Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (26)

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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]04 Apr 2013, 17:31

Tagger wrote:

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?

A. 2/5
B. 11/34
C. 43/99
D. 8/21
E. 9/20

It looks very easy but what is the fastest way to solve it ?

Answer E

9/20=0.45 which is 0.01 greater than two times of 0.22


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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (29)



Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (30)

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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]05 Apr 2013, 03:52

Thx fellows !

Logically the answer will be the highest number of the answerchoice.

Since we're not allowed to use calculators, nt2010 method is the fastest I think.

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (32)



Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (33)

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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]14 Jan 2015, 21:31



Answer = E

Rationalise the denominator, \(\frac{9}{20} = \frac{45}{100}\) is the highest

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (35)



Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (36)

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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]27 Apr 2016, 06:26

You can also set them equal to each other, cross multiply, and compare:

A.) 2/5 = 11/50 --> 100 = 55 (more than half)
B.) 11/34 = 11/50 --> 550 = 374 (more than half)
C.) 43/99 = 11/50 --> 2,150 = 1,089 (more than half)
D.) 8/21 = 11/50 --> 400 = 231 (more than half)
E.) 9/20 = 11/50 --> 450 = 220 (less than half)

In problems like this it is fastest to skip the longer ones like B & C and jump to D & E

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (38)



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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]27 Apr 2016, 06:58





Expert Reply

Tagger wrote:

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?

A. 2/5
B. 11/34
C. 43/99
D. 8/21
E. 9/20

It looks very easy but what is the fastest way to solve it ?


I believe any choice given by GMAT invariably does not require too much of calculations BUT we should how to read the info provided by choices..

so first lets see the Q--

atleast twice greater than 11/50..


1) Only ONE choice will be > 2*11/50..
2) In a way we are also looking for the LARGEST number in choice
3) The above 2-point mean that we can eliminate choices by comparing with 22/50 and ALSO by comparing within each other..

lets see the choices-

A. 2/5 .. 2/5 = 4/20 < E. 9/20..... also 2/5=20/50 <22/50.. eliminate
B. 11/34 .. 11/34 = 22/68.. numerators are same but denominator>50 so <22/50.. eliminate
C. 43/99 .. 22/50 = 44/100... In the choice both numerator and denominator are less by one each so 43/99<44/100.. eliminate
D. 8/21 .. clearly 8/21<E.9/20.. eliminate
E. 9/20 .. Only one left 9/20 = 45/100 > 44/100.. ANSWER


1. Absolute modulus:. 2. Fractions: 3. Percentage increase: 4. Combinations:

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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (42)




Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (43)

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Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]15 Jun 2024, 03:03

nt2010 wrote:

The fastest way to solve this problem is to use POE and approx by making the denominator same

A) 2/ 5 = 20/50 numerator is less than 22 so out.
B) 11/34 = 550 / 170 numerator is less than 746 so out.
C) 43 / 99 = approx. 43 / 100 numerator is much less than 80 so out.
D. 8/21 = approx. 40 / 100 close to C so out..
E. 9/20 = 45 / 100 numerator is more than twice 22 so Answer is E

//Kudos please, if the above explanation is good.

­Hi Bunuel - can you please explain the answer to option B on why we are getting 550 in the numerator when the fraction is being multiplied by 5 and where does 746 come in from?

Got the answer to the question but was trying to understand the faster method with less calculation

Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (45)


Re: Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50?[#permalink]

15 Jun 2024, 03:03



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Which of the following fractions is at least twice greater than 11/50? (2024)


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