Student Affairs and Enrollment Management - Fort Valley State University (2024)

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid
  • Registrar
  • Dean of Students Office
  • Student Code of Conduct
  • CampusLife
  • Student Judiciary
  • Center for Student Engagement
  • Student Health and Counseling Services
  • Residential life
  • McNair Scholars Program
  • TRIO Educational Talent Search
  • Upward Bound

Jesse Kane, Vice President Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
340 C. V. Troup Administration Building

The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management consist of the following units: Dean of Students; Campus Life; Student Conduct; Clubs and Organizations; and Counseling Services; and the Women’s Center. Offices of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment; the Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid, Educational Talent Search, McNair Program, Upward Bound, and the Center for Student Engagement and Career Development. The Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management supports the University’s strategic plan by promoting and contributing to a university community centered on student learning and success. The Division focuses on the out-of-class welfare of the students and provides a richly diverse array of educational experiences to supplement classroom learning. Programs and activities are designed to contribute to the intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social development of the student. Students are encouraged to be active participants and to be involved in order to stimulate school spirit, strengthen campus life, and enhance the overall quality of their collegiate experience.

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management provides leadership to advance student enrollment, retention and graduation by cultivating an organizational climate of excellence, accountability, continuous improvement and integrity.


Fort Valley State University specializes in empowering the world’s future leaders.Themissionof theOfficeofAdmissionsis to recruit, admit, and serve an eligible, diverse student population regionally, nationally, and internationally. It embraces the University’s commitment to attain the quality of students who are able to matriculate and graduate. You canfulfill your potential, launch a meaningful career, and make a difference in the world as an FVSU Wildcat.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office works to help students understand how to pay their tuition, housing and other fees with the least impact on long-term debt. The office administers Federal and State of Georgia aid programs, and has access to non-governmental sources of aid to suggest to students. All students enrolled in degree programs at FVSU are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office to check eligibility for aid.


In support of the University’s philosophy, student-centeredness, the Office of the Registrar provides leadership in maintaining and protecting academic records. The Office is a customer-centered unit whose mission is to preserve academic integrity; ensure adherence to academic policy; safeguard the security of academic records; provide course and classroom management and provide student information and data reporting for internal and external constituencies of the University. The Office does this in a diverse environment utilizing advanced technology and a legacy of commitment in order to create, apply and disseminate knowledge.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office advocates for students and serves as a liaison between students, faculty, and staff. The Dean of Students Office places students first and encourages students towards maximizing academic and personal success. The Office is committed to:

  • Giving students a place to voice their concerns and opinions in an appropriate manner;
  • Assisting students in need by identifying resources and referring students to those resources;
  • Providing an understanding of campus policies and procedures, especially student rights and responsibilities; and
  • Supporting educational opportunities that facilitate student development and intellectual growth both in and out of the classroom.

The office accomplishes its mission by assisting students with voluntary withdrawals, sending notifications to faculty in the event of extenuating circ*mstances, illness and/or injury. The Dean of Students Office believes that it is essential that issues and challenges confronting students be identified. Through one-on-one appointments the Dean of Students Office meets with students to discuss and identify student concerns so that the University may serve them more efficiently and effectively. For more information, please visit our website.

Student Code of Conduct

According to the Student Code of Conduct, the university’s mission is to educate students, faculty and staff about the rights and responsibilities of our students. We expect Fort Valley students to adopt an informed set of ethics and values that will make their matriculation at Fort Valley State University rewarding.

Student Code of Conduct

Campus Life

The mission of the Office of Campus Life is to complement the academic programs of study at Fort Valley State University and to enhance students’ overall educational experiences through social, cultural, intellectual, and recreational interactions. The Student Government Association and class organizational structures provide students with opportunities to govern themselves and to interact with institutional and community leaders. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the wide array of student activities. Participation in co-curricular activities serves to develop students’ special talents, deepen their appreciation for fellowship and cooperation, and enlarge their individual capacities for leadership.

There are more than 70 co-curricular organizations, departmental clubs, guilds, fraternities, sororities, honor societies, drama and music groups that are open to all students or students who are majoring in a specific discipline. An organized program of intramural sports between classes and student organizations is conducted as an integral part of the program of health and physical well-being. These organizations afford students the opportunities to develop teamwork ability and leadership as well as other social skills.

Delivery of programs and services is guided by an ongoing assessment of student needs, the campus climate, and established outcomes. The mission is carried out through teaching and personal instruction, advisem*nt, counseling, community service projects and organized programs and services. For more details concerning these or other organizations visit Student Life located on the upper level of the Student Amenities Center.

Office of Student Conduct

The mission of the Office of Student Conduct is to support the University’s educational mission and goals by engaging and empowering students, staff and faculty in the process of creating a safe, orderly, and positive University environment. Our efforts will support community values, standards, and expectations which enhance the disciplinary processes, student learning and support student intervention efforts.

All students are responsible for becoming familiar with the Student Code of Conduct. For clarification or questions pertaining to the Student Code of Conduct, please contact the Office of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students.

Center for Student Engagement

The Center for Student Engagement (CSE) utilizes an integrated theoretical approach to service, leadership and career development by offering purposeful opportunities and resources that complement the academic experience. CSE is dedicated to helping students develop both in and out of the classroom through programs and activities that advance student learning and prepares students for success in the global community.

With a focus on civic engagement, leadership and career development CSE connects the university and the community to provide curricular and co-curricular opportunities. The CSE strategy is to engage all students in the LEAP experience: leadership, engagement, academic achievement and professionalism to ensure that upon graduation our students are prepared for their next steps which may be graduate school or career.

CSE includes the iHelp Center and the Office of Career and Professional Development:

The iHelp Center is the hub of community service and civic engagement. Through a variety of community partners in Middle Georgia, students are able to engage in meaningful volunteer activities that provide support to the community. The iHelp Center also provides a vital connection between academics and the community via service learning course projects. Students are able to develop their leadership and soft skills as they build their civic awareness.

The Office of Career and Professional Development provides career exploration, employer interaction, and experiential learning opportunities. These activities ensure that students develop the essential skills they need to realize their professional and personal promise.

Student Health and Counseling Services

Located on the main campus of Fort Valley State University, opposite the main entrance of the Troup Administration Building, the Office of Student Health and Counseling Services provides on-going, consistent, high-quality primary health care to Fort Valley State University students that promote good physical and mental health to support student success and progression towards graduation.

Student Health and Counseling Services staffing includes a Director, Physician, Physicians’ Assistant, Licensed Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Licensed Professionals Counselors, Outreach Staff and Peer Educators.

Student Health and Counseling Services provides a range of amenities from prevention-focused education to acute and chronic on-going primary medical care. Services include:

  • Primary Care
  • Acute Care
  • Chronic Conditions and Referrals
  • Health & Wellness Education
  • Laboratory Services (i.e.) Immunizations, Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections, HIV Testing, Pregnancy Tests
  • Family Planning
  • Prescriptions/Sample Medications
  • Preventive Care
  • Outreach
  • On-line access to appointment scheduling, prescription refills and secure messaging to and from our staff

The Office of Student Health and Counseling Services maintains a campus environment where the risks of threatening communicable diseases are minimized consistent with the goals and objectives of the Georgia Department of Health and Human Services.

Hours of Operation:

  • 8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Monday through Friday (Fall and Spring Semesters only)
  • 4:00 pm-7:00pm - Health and Wellness Clinic – (Thursdays)

The Office of Student Health and Counseling Services located in Florence J. Hunt Student Health Center may be contacted at (478) 825 - 6278 or via email at or

Residential Life

The mission of Residential Life is to support the academic mission of students residing on campus at Fort Valley State University. Residential Life is committed to the support of student learning in a residential community; and Fort Valley State University’s larger mission is to be one of the best state universities in the State. University Housing fosters the development of respect, responsibility and accountability in students providing engaging living/learning environments within safe, affordable and comfortable housing.

The Office of Residential Life currently coordinates housing for over 1,300 students. The traditional residential halls are rich in tradition and the apartment complexes are on the cutting-edge of suite-style living for both male and female students. These suite style units are the state of the art and are the most sophisticated in the southern region of Georgia. As you begin your collegiate experience, the Office of Residential Life encourages you to consider the many benefits of campus living and invites you to join our residential community.

On Campus Residency Policy

On-Campus Residency Requirement and Exemption Policies

On-Campus Residency Requirement:

  • All full-time students, under the age of 21, who have earned fewer than 60 hours of academic credit must live on-campus and subscribe to an applicable dining requirement.
  • Students must be 21 by the first day of class.
  • Students enrolled in full-time on-line classes and those who reside at the permanent address of their parents/guardians and live within the neighboring counties of campus are exempt from this policy with parental/guardian approval.
  • Students may apply for an exemption to this policy provided they meet certain established criteria. All required documentation must be submitted before the review of the exemption will begin.

A student may request an exception to the On-Campus Residency Requirement based upon one of the following Exemption Criteria:

  • Married: Students in this category must submit a copy of a valid marriage certificate.
  • Single Parent: Students in this category must submit a copy of the child’s/children’s birth certificate(s) and/or adoption paperwork and documentation demonstrating majority custody of the child/children.
  • Special Circ*mstances: Students in this category must submit a written petition noting specifically why they should be granted an exemption to the housing residency requirement. Examples of situations that would not qualify for exemption include, but are not limited to, seasonal or other allergies that can be treated by allergy medications or leases entered into prior to an exemption being approved.

A student seeking an exemption to the On-Campus Residency Requirement must complete an Exemption Form and submit this form to the Office of Residential Life, 1005 State University Drive, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030, no later than 30 days prior to the first day of classes of the term in which the exemption is requested. Partial or incomplete submissions will not be considered. Submission of an On-Campus Residency Requirement Exemption Form does not guarantee, nor imply, that an exemption will be granted. Students should assume that their request has not been granted until they receive written notification of approval.

Students failing to submit an On-Campus Residency Requirement Exemption Form prior to the deadline will be assessed mandatory housing/dining fees.

Students who have reached the age of 21 or earned 60 college credit hours by the first day of classes for the semester they intend to reside off campus do not need to apply for an exemption. Students who sign an annual contract for housing in the Fall will be required to fulfill the terms of the contract (Fall & Spring) despite reaching the age of 21 or having earned 60 credit hours.

All requests documenting a specific need related to the Americans with Disabilities Act will be reviewed by the University’s ADA Coordinator in the Center for Retention Services. The office number is (478) 822-1070.

Applying for On Campus Housing

In order to complete the housing process, students are required to be fully admitted into the University, submit a $200.00 non-refundable housing reservation fee, and submit a completed housing application with lease agreement. Part-time and Graduate students may be approved for occupancy at the discretion of the university. If you do not meet the On-Campus Residency Requirements, then failure to submit a housing application will not cancel your obligation to live on campus.

Occupancy Periods

Residents may occupy assigned rooms on the opening date and time announced prior to each semester. Failure to occupy an assigned room within twenty-four (24) hours of opening date may result in change of assignment. Residents shall vacate the residence halls by the day and time announced in advance of the closing of the residence halls. A resident must vacate the residence hall within twenty-four (24) hours of withdrawal from the University or cancellation or termination of the lease agreement during a given semester. When vacating the residence halls, residents shall be expected to follow the checkout procedures established by the Office of Residential Life. Campus housing is closed between academic sessions.

Room Assignments

The acceptance of the Housing Lease Agreement by the University does not guarantee assignment of a particular type of accommodation or a specific room. It does, however, guarantee the student a space in a residence hall and establish priority for assignment. Attempts will be made to honor building preference and mutual roommate requests, whenever possible. If preferences for an assignment cannot be honored, room assignments will be made at the discretion of the Assignment Manager. Residents who switch room assignments without administrative approval will be charged a $500.00 fee. Residents who would like to request a room change must see the Housing Assignment Manager who is located in the Wildcat Commons Clubhouse. There will be a $150.00 fee for room changes.

Housing and Meal Plan Rates

Room and Board charges reflect projected estimated cost. All fees are subject to change per final approval by the Georgia Board of Regents on or before July 1st of each year. Fort Valley State University and the Georgia Board of Regents reserve the right to charge rates listed here-in or to add new fees whenever such increase or additions become necessary. Room and board fees are assessed separately each semester. For additional information regarding fees, please visit our webpage.

Removal from Housing

Students can be removed from Housing for the following reasons: judicial, medical, no enrollment, and nonpayment of fees (tuition, housing, or meal plan). If you are withdrawing or being withdrawn from the University, then you must vacate your room immediately or within 24 hours, unless special permission is authorized by the Director of Residential Life.

Students suspended or expelled for disciplinary reasons are not entitled to a refund of any fees paid. Students who are asked to vacate their residence hall room as a result of disciplinary actions (but who are allowed to continue classes) are not eligible for a refund on any portion of any fees charged for their housing or meal plan.

Housing Student Conduct

The Office of Residential Life is committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for all students. When a student violates one or more of the University’s rules, regulations, policies or procedures which are designed to ensure the safety and comfort of others, the student will be held responsible for his/her actions through the Housing Review Board (HRB). This process is designed to be fair, to uphold the student’s rights, and to be an educative process as possible. The process begins with the Incident Report.

Damage Assessment

When damage occurs within a resident’s room or in areas adjacent to it (i.e., windows, doors, study area), it is ultimately the responsibility of the occupant to pay for the cost to replace or repair the damaged property. The purpose of the room inventory form which residents complete with their RLC or RA at check-in is to establish the condition of the room at occupancy so that residents can be assessed fairly if damages occur. It is the responsibility of the student to complete the inventory form accurately. If you do not receive an inventory form at the time of check-in, it is your responsibility to obtain one from your RLC or RA. The University at its sole discretion shall make determination of the amount of assessments for damage, loss, and cleaning. Failure to pay an assessment will result in a hold being placed on a student’s registration, graduation or issuance of a transcript.

Living in the Residential Facilities

Fort Valley State University’s Office of Residential Life includes professional and student staff members who live on site and manage all aspects of the on-campus housing community. We offer Greek Life, Royal Court, intramural sports and gaming areas, a student newspaper, outdoor activities, clubs, learning communities, an exciting Homecoming calendar, recreational centers and abundant food service opportunities. That’s just to name a few of our varied activities and services catered to every student interest. By getting involved, you won’t just have a lot of fun; you’ll make friends, build character, and get more out of your college experience than you ever thought possible. And all of this happens in a safe, worry free environment in University Housing.

Questions pertaining to student housing should be directed to:

Fort Valley State University
Department of Residential Life
1005 State University Drive
Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
OFFICE: (478) 825-6100
FAX: (478) 825-6169

For additional information regarding Residential Life, please visit our webpage

McNair Scholars Program

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO program funded at 151 institutions across the United States and Puerto Rico by the U.S. Department of Education. Participants of the McNair Program are either first-generation college students with financial need, or members of a group that is traditionally underrepresented in graduate education (such as African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Hispanic/Latino, and Pacific Islander) and have demonstrated strong academic potential. The McNair Program is supported by the Council of Graduate Schools and the Department of Education’s Council for Opportunity in Education.

The objective of the McNair Scholars Program is to increase the number of graduate degree awards for students from underrepresented groups of society. The McNair Program specifically aims to identify and prepare sophom*ores, juniors and seniors from Fort Valley State University for post-graduate studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities.

TRIO Educational Talent Search

Educational Talent Search is an early intervention outreach program funded by the U. S. Department of Education, provides supportive services to 6th – 12th-grade students, including adults who are seeking to re-enter the educational process for the GED or for veterans and other adults who seek to enter college. Students work one-on-one and in small or large groups with Talent Search Field Representatives.

Upward Bound

The mission of Upward Bound is to provide supplemental academic instructions, cultural and social enrichment activities to high school students who meet federal eligibility criteria thereby increasing the rate at which they complete high school and enroll and graduate from college.

Services Provided:

Upward Bound is a federally funded grant program supported by Fort Valley State University. The program provides:

  • Supplemental academic classes on Saturdays and six-week summer residential session.
  • Tutorial services in target schools, designated locations in the communities and/or on FVSU campus.
  • Curricula to target acquisition of skills necessary for high school graduation.
  • Offer workshops, senior seminars, developmental training sessions; career and health fairs to enhance students’ academic and personal skills (i.e., computer instruction, college admission, financial aid, college survival, and career awareness workshops).
  • College tours, cultural trips and social activities.
  • Summer work-study positions within campus departments and community offices.
  • Who Is Eligible?

High School students who meet the income and/or first-generation requirements and live in Macon and Peach counties.

Students must have completed the 8th grade but have not yet completed the 11th grade; and, they must have a need for academic support in order to pursue a program of post-secondary education.

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management - Fort Valley State University (2024)


What is the salary at Fort Valley State University? ›

Average Fort Valley State University hourly pay ranges from approximately $13.00 per hour for Administrative Assistant to $15.11 per hour for Research Assistant. The average Fort Valley State University salary ranges from approximately $40,000 per year for Counsel to $64,000 per year for Student Assistant.

What is the phone number for the registrar office at FVSU? ›

If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar's Office at (478) 825-6282 or

What does your GPA have to be to get into Fort Valley State University? ›

Fort Valley State University requires completion of the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) course units. If you apply via our test-optional policy, you must have a minimum 3.0 GPA based on RHSC units.

What is the phone number for FVSU admissions? ›

If you have questions, please contact or call 1-877-G0-2-FVSU.

What is Fort Valley University known for? ›

Fort Valley State University has produced graduates who have literally changed the world, serving as pioneers and trailblazers in civil rights, education, law and government, human rights, public policy, and a range of other fields.

Is Fort Valley State University a good school? ›

The University has moved from #83 last year to an impressive #69 this year for regional universities, demonstrating its growing influence and impact on the higher education landscape. Furthermore, FVSU has climbed from #36 to #32 in the HBCU category, reaffirming its status as one of the leading HBCUs in the nation.

Does FVSU have a pool? ›

AQUATICS CENTER. The Health and Physical Education Center features a 8-lane collegiate competitive swimming pool.

How many students are enrolled in FVSU? ›

Overview. Fort Valley State University is a public institution. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,354 (fall 2022), and the campus size is 1,365 acres.

What do you need to transfer to Fort Valley State University? ›

The minimum GPA requirement for transfer admission is a 2.0 or better. Official Transcripts: If less than 30 semester/45 quarter hours you must submit official high school transcripts. Submit official transcripts from all institutions previously attended.

What is the most popular major at Fort Valley State University? ›

The most popular majors at Fort Valley State University include: Psychology, General; Biology, General; Criminal Justice and Corrections; Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians; Business Administration, Management and Operations; Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions; Computer and ...

What is the tuition for Fort Valley State University? ›

Is Fort Valley State University D1? ›

The Fort Valley State Wildcats are the athletic teams that represent Fort Valley State University, located in Fort Valley, Georgia, in NCAA Division II intercollegiate sports. The Wildcats are full members of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, where all 12 of its athletic programs compete.

Is FVSU an HBCU? ›

Fort Valley State University (FVSU, formerly Fort Valley State College and Fort Valley Normal and Industrial School) is a public land-grant historically black university in Fort Valley, Georgia. It is part of the University System of Georgia and a member-school of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.

Is FVSU accredited? ›

Fort Valley State University complies with all SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation and works diligently to maintain the foundations for quality Enhancement.

What is the phone number for UAT admissions? ›

New and Future student Advisem*nt

Schedule your appointment below, email us at or call (602) 383-8228.

How much do Fort Valley State football coaches make? ›

Fort Valley State University Coaches

There are 10 head coaches at Fort Valley State University, 5 of whom lead men's teams and 5 of whom head up women's teams. The average salary of the men's team head coaches is $83,672, while the head coaches of women's team make, on average, $41,267 per year.

How much does Blue Bird pay Fort Valley? ›

How much does Blue Bird Corporation in Fort Valley pay? The average Blue Bird Corporation salary ranges from approximately $60,000 per year for Material Handler to $110,070 per year for Senior Project Manager.

What is the tuition at Fort Valley State University? ›

What is Fort Valley acceptance rate? ›

Fort Valley State University has an acceptance rate of 43%.


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