Comments In CSS | CSS-Tricks (2024)

Code SnippetsCSSComments in CSS

Chris Coyier on


/* This is a comment in CSS*/body { font-family: system-ui; font-size: 62.5% /* 1em = 10px */ line-height: 1.4;}

The stuff inside the /* */ marks are CSS comments. This allows you to enter notes into CSS that will not be interpreted. In this case, this comment lets someone reading the CSS file know that that particular line of CSS was intended to allow for using ems to set font size later in the CSS in a more intuitive base 10 way.

Some CSS preprocessor syntax allow for JavaScript-style single-line comments, like this:

body { font-family: system-ui; // font-size: 62.5% line-height: 1.4;}

And actually, it’s a bit weird, but vanilla CSS also kind of supports that, it’s just a trick and you have to be careful.

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  1. taiger

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    * — Minor Section Heading —

    I prefer comment to appear this way, but everyone is different how they comment. One this thing is for sure. You can never comment too much! (as they stripped anyhow in css compression).


    • Fatima

      Permalink to comment#

      I use the same method where ever comments are necessary.

    • Mohamed Elhlwany

      Permalink to comment#

      This is my css comment

      /*################ start heading ################*/
  2. Anoniem

    Permalink to comment#

    I have two little (newbie) questions:
    1. Are comments still the same in CSS3?
    2. What about comments in html5?


    • MaxArt

      Permalink to comment#

      Yes, of course. CSS3 is CSS.
      You have to include them between <!– and –>. Just like plain old HTML or XML.

    • me

      Permalink to comment#

      In SCSS, you can use:

      // comment


      /* CommentStill a commentstill a comment */
    • Beninu Andersen

      Permalink to comment#


      I assume it’s just a typo and you mean:
      <!–- and -–> (not <!- and ->)

    • sam

      Permalink to comment#

      Ys, comments are same in css3 & html5 follow the html comments for html code, js comment for js code.

    • JoeNancy M.

      Permalink to comment#

      Yes. Commenting is as explained above in CSS3.
      As for HTML5, you open with
      It has worked for me both for single line commenting as well as multiple line commenting.

  3. How is this Comment Preview possible below this? Is this a plugin in WordPress? So cool.


    • Comments

      Permalink to comment#

      here comments has two types :
      1) single line comments
      2) Double line comments

      single line comments : method
      it starts with double slash … //
      double line comments :
      start with /* ………………………*/

  4. Emmad

    Permalink to comment#

    I don’t like the fact that you need 4 characters to comment a single instructions on a line! It would have been better to use something simpler in addition to the /* */. For example, SQL uses two consecutive dashes like — which is very easy to use, another one is a single quote at the beginning of the line like VB. Anyway, this is still better than the most silly comment syntax for HTML.


  5. John C

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    I have a followup question to determine if this is style or need.

    I see basic comments in css as described /* comment */.
    Then I see multi line comments having a * before each new line.
    Finally I will see what implies hierarchy as in this example from the normalize.css on github. Link

    Is this simply style and hierarchy or is there necessary syntax for multi line comments:

    /*! normalize.css v2.1.3 | MIT License | */

    /* ==========================================================================
    HTML5 display definitions
    ========================================================================== */

    * Correct block display not defined in IE 8/9.

    article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section,summary {
    display: block;}


    • SubGothius

      Permalink to comment#

      Everything enclosed between /* and */ is treated as a comment regardless of how many lines they span, so any other apparent “syntax” you may see between those markers is really just a matter of arbitrary style/convention to improve legibility, especially useful when viewing non-highlighted code.

    • Mark Stewart

      Permalink to comment#

      RESET /
      TYPO animation /
      TYPO animation tooltip */
      css { /
      each to their own */; }

  6. Bihari Babu

    Permalink to comment#

    Everything enclosed between /* and */ is treated as a comment regardless of how many lines they span, so any other apparent “syntax” you may see between those markers is really just a matter of arbitrary style/convention to improve legibility, especially useful when viewing non-highlighted code.


    • T. Heuser

      Permalink to comment#

      Many coders prefer the // comment // style, However there’s one major advantage to using opening and closing sequences for comments: Since another opening sequence within a comment gets ignored, we have a quick line-based disable for experimental code during development:

      /* width: fit-content; /* unsupported in webkit */
  7. David

    Permalink to comment#

    I hope you never delete this page, I come back here every time I start a new project!


  8. jan

    Permalink to comment#

    /*! */ the exclamation mark is sometimes to keep an important comment from being deleted when compressing, i.e. licence information.


  9. LukyVj

    Permalink to comment#

    According to

    /** * foo bar baz qux */


  10. James

    Permalink to comment#

    What kind of comment is this and is it safe to delete it??

    @tab Page
    @section Heading 1
    @tip Set the styling for all first-level headings. These should be the largest of your headings.
    @style heading 1


  11. Jayesh

    Permalink to comment#

    what is Different Between This Media Query

    /* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ———- /
    @media screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px){
    styles */


    /* Smartphones (portrait) ———- /
    @media screen and (max-width: 320px){
    styles /
    Smartphones (landscape) ———- /
    @media screen and (min-width: 321px){
    styles */


    • Joel

      Permalink to comment#

      It’s late but maybe will help someone else:
      The first media only works when the width is 320px or more, and 480px of width or less.
      The second works from 0px to a max width of 320px.
      And the last one works with a width of 321px or more.

  12. oscar vazquez

    Permalink to comment#

    can anyone give me an example of a multi-line style rule


  13. Clinton Gallagher (@tapABILITIES)

    Permalink to comment#

    The real problems with CSS (and HTML) commenting is not style it is the fact that unlike commenting in Javascript we cannot nest comments losing any important details we may need to document in our code


  14. Muhammad

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    Does including a lot of comments in your css increases your css file, therefor slowing your site down? I need to know this so I choose my commenting strategy.


    • iKova

      Permalink to comment#

      Hello Muhammad,

      For your production site (design & coding is done) always use a minified css version of your file. That removes every space and comments from it. This helps alot to speed up the loading time!

  15. Nico

    Permalink to comment#

    I used this website because has only HTML comments, not CSS comments. I found some new selectors that I didn’t know since I started CSS. Let’s use the h1 for example.

    h1 { // border sets the whole border border-top-style: 5px solid orange; border-left-style: 5px double pink; border-right-style: 16px inset blue; border-bottom-style: 5px outset purple; text-align: center;}


  16. Wheat

    Permalink to comment#

    taiger, your system of major and minor section headings is really smart and I’m totally stealing it.


  17. Daniil Postnov

    Permalink to comment#

    I use

    /* ------------ styles block ------------ */.class{}


    /* ------------ /end styles block ------------*/

    for end styles block


  18. Philips Ekuma (@iamfhil)

    Permalink to comment#

    Guys a quick one! How do you select an HTML comment tag <!-- Comment --> using CSS.
    Say I have:

    <section class="container"></section<!-- Team Members --><section class="container"></section><section class="container"></section>

    And I want to select the container class immediately after the comment. How do I do that?


    • Geoff Graham

      Permalink to comment#

      Hey Philips! I’m afraid that CSS is unable to use HTML comments as selectors. Anything you want to select will need to be applied to the element itself, whether it’s a class, ID, attribute, pseudo-element or the element itself.

      In this case, you could consider using nth-child to select one the sections in your group.

  19. Aidan Doyle

    Permalink to comment#

    Please excuse the noob question. I have heard that you can “comment out” in the html code to resolve some formatting issues.

    for example:

    How are these different? why would I do this?

    HomeMenu (with comment between links)

    Home Menu (without comment between links)


    • Geoff Graham

      Permalink to comment#

      Hey Aidan, great question!

      Comments in HTML look something like this:

      <!-- This is a comment and the browser will skip right over it. -->

      You can write whatever you’d like in a comment. That includes code.

      <!-- <li>Some List Item</li> -->

      So, when you “comment out” HTML code, that means wrapping the code up in a comment:

      <li>Item 1</li>
      <!-- <li>Item 1</li> This item is commented out -->
      <li>Item 1</li>

      That second item will not be skipped by the browser and will not display on the page.

      Sometimes that is a good way to take something off of your page without actually deleting the code. It’s usually a temporary thing. If you really didn’t want something on the page, then you would likely delete it rather than comment it out.

  20. Adel Ben ahmed

    Permalink to comment#

    // won’t work for me is marked as invalid property value in the inspector, with /* */ it’s work it is shown as strikethrough


    • Geoff Graham

      Permalink to comment#

      Yeah, that’s correct. // is compatible with Sass/Less/etc. as well as other programming languages (e.g. JS/PHP) but vanilla CSS uses a /* */ syntax.

  21. stupdicssdev

    Permalink to comment#

    why the css dev don’t make it simple by adding a single line comment


    // comment



    Permalink to comment#

    If you want to create a single-line comment (a line which contains only a comment), AND you hate the “/* */” syntax, you can try this:

    {this is a single line comment which CSS ignores}

    It’s an EMPTY selector, folks. For some reason, I tolerate the braces “{ }” easier than the C-style syntax.


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Comments In CSS | CSS-Tricks (2024)


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